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Rams (Purebred)

VBN Rams - Purebred

VSR Kevin (ET)

Purebred Valaise Blacknose Ram from Embryo-New Zealand (swiss)

100% VBN Purebred from Swiss Genetics
Well-marked and exceptionally well-bred. Ram is born out of and Sired by Parkdale Crackers. Kevin has all the required markings and a beautiful facial mask. Symmetrical knee markings. Kevin would be a great addition to any Breed-Up and Purebred

VBN Rams - Purebred

SOLD-VSR Kismet 2023

100% VBN Purebred from Swiss Genetics
Well marked and exceptionally well bred proven ram. Kistmet is born out of Parkdale Dot and Sired by Heartland Bojangles. Kismet has all the required markings and a beautiful facial mask. Right knee marking is slightly smaller than others, a black spot on right neck, and slightly overmarked on his scrotum. Kismet would be a great addition to any Breed-Up Program, especially with ewes with too much white.

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